On Wednesday we headed for San Antonio. I had bought tickets to the Disney on Ice for Lillie. It was really a good show and we had fantastic seats! Lillie had never been to anything like this before so she was quite fascinated with it all. The skating was really quite good and it went through all of the different characters. It was a fun way to begin the trip. My only complaint is that Disney charges an arm and a leg for any "extra" items and of course children want those things. Eric had dropped us off so we wouldn't miss any of the show and Lillie had asked for some Cotton candy. I texted Eric to get some on his way in and when he sat down he said the cotton candy was 12.00! I couldn't believe it. He asked the girl selling it if she was joking and she said, "No you get the hat and blower too!" So here is the hat that Lillie got and the blower is basically a large birthday blower.
The next day we headed to Sea World. Eric had said it was supposed to be 75 degrees so we dressed in shorts and t-shirts. It was so cold when we got to Sea World and the wind was blowing pretty hard. The first show we went to see was the Shamu show. We got great seats but Lillie wanted to sit in the soak zone. My initial thought was this will be fine because we had sat in that area before and gotten just a tiny bit wet. We were about five row up and able to see everything perfectly. It was really neat because a baby whale was born in January and she was out swimming with her mother. It was too cute! The show was getting to the end and before we knew it we see the large tail coming our way and needless to say, we were COMPLETELY drenched! We had no time to react. I looked over at Eric and Lillie and all three of us were wet from head to toe! I laughed so hard! We had to go buy Lillie another t-shirt and me a towel because it was so cold! We had a wonderful time though. We were able to see every show and Lillie played in the big play area for about two hours. It was really a nice day!

When we returned Lillie spent the night with Eric's parents and this morning when we picked Lillie up Mary Jo told us that they asked Lillie what her favorite part of San Antonio was and she said, "Being with my family!" It was so sweet and really made me treasure our week together all that much more!
Did you visit the basement of the Alamo? ;)
SOOOO FUN!!! Our Spring Break just started and we are looking forward to some fun times together also. Not quite as elaborate as your week, but still fun. We took the girls to Disney on Ice last year when they came to Boise. It was a fun show and I will never forget Sierra's face when all the princesses came out. Pure bliss! But I do remember being SHOCKED by the price of snacks and souveneirs. I think that we paid $6 for a small popcorn. POPCORN!!! In a small paper bag. Yikes.
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