Last weekend we bought Lillie some new (to us) furniture for her room. I have always loved Lillie's "big girl" room but she has always wanted matching furniture. Her room is so small that we have only had a bookshelf and a day bed in her room up until now. Eric and I had discussed getting her some new furniture for her birthday this year and it turned out a friend from my mom's church needed to get rid of some furniture and it was a good price. It also happened to match Lillie's room so we bought it. Lillie LOVES her "new" room, in fact her response was, "This is AWESOME! It's what I have wanted ALL of my life!" My daughter is a tad bit on the dramatic side. :) But her room does look really cute if I do say so myself and she is really enjoying it. Her favorite part is her new desk! She loves to turn on her music and sit down and go to work! Too cute! I have posted some pictures so you can see what it looks like!

This is Lillie when we were headed out the other day. I was calling her a fashionista! I thought she looked really cute in her boots and vest with the fur on it. The boots were a gift from my mom at Christmas!

Lillie posing!
Her new bed. The bedding and everything she has had but it looks really cute with the furniture.

Another view of her bed.
The other side of her room and Maddie sitting on Lillie's pink shag rug.
Cute...cute...cute! (The little Diva and her new bedroom furniture.)
Sure wish that Sierra and Ally could come over to play. They'd have that place thrashed in NO TIME!
Oh trust me it is thrashed most of the time from just my little stinker!
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