This year was a fun Halloween year because Lillie could hardly wait to get in her costume and go trick or treating. We started Friday out with the Kindergartners and First graders at our school doing a story book parade. We were very fortunate because we had already picked out our costume and it was Raggedy Ann so it fit perfectly.
Then Saturday morning we woke up and headed over to the Jr. High for a Halloween carnival of sorts. The different schools in the area hosted different games and activities. Lillie painted a pumpkin, fished for treats, threw hoops around pumpkins and more. We headed from there to one of the parks and did a few more activities. While we were there Lillie found a friend from her class last year and they chased one another around for a while. We left the park and stopped by my friend Donese's house for her to see Lillie then headed home to meet my parents. My parents came over and we went to a non existent Trunk or Treat (It was the wrong church!) and then trick or treated around our neighborhood. After that we went over to Eric's sister's house to see his side of the family. It was a VERY eventful two days and I am glad it is all over with but we had a really nice time and best of all Lillie had a BLAST!
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